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Children's Concert and Coco Film

On Saturday October 5 we had quite a remarkable day! The Musica Reginae group held one of their Community Concerts for Kids at the Maple Grove Cemetery Concert. The feature of the concert was Folk Music of Mexico! Beata Moon performed with a fantastic Mexican Guitarist and captivated the audience. Helen and Celeste acted as hosts and introduced the performers. Soon the Celebration Hall was filled with laughter and joy from the little ones and great appreciation from the parents! After the concert, the audience came down to the lower lobby for the viewing of the film Coco!. It was a perfect match of events. The entire video set up was put together by Alex, Aneil and Savina. They worked with the electronic devices and had an eager audience waiting for the movie to begin. Helen, Savina, Celeste and Michele along with her son, :) set up the snack and beverage table and set up the lower lobby with green carpets for the children to sit on and rows upon rows of folding chairs for the adults! Our snacks were a hit and the parents were delighted to find a hot urn of coffee for them! LOL At the conclusion of the movie everyone burst into applause! As our guests left we handed out Strawberry Shortcake stickers and temporary tattoos. There was a massive clean from those who stayed behind to help. Could not have done without our faith crew of board members and non board members!

I must say that our reputation as a cultural institution for our variety of events is growing steadily!

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