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Summer Science Workshop for Children Earthworms—Hands On

Summer Science Workshop for Children Earthworms—Hands On Saturday, July 16, 2011 2:00 PM

This event was the first of our three Saturday Science Workshops in partnership with APEC (Alley Pond Environmental Center) and funds provided by the Josephine Foundation.

The weather was perfect and we were set up by the Maple Grove Lake at Maple Grove Cemetery. Venus from APEC was the staff member who conducted the workshop. It was a very educational program with hands-on activities. The applause and appreciative comments by the parents was very indicative of how it went. Refreshments were provided. Capri juices and cookies were passed to all. Each child was given a certificate of participation.

Photos: Earthworms teach young children sensitivity to living things and illustrate the inter-dependency of life.

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