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Trunk or Treat 2015!

Updated: Oct 13, 2020

Friends of Maple Grove sponsored Trunk or Treat at Maple Grove Cemetery on Halloween, Saturday, October 31, 2015!

Our 2015 Maple Grove Trunk or Treat was beyond words! We had 100’s of very happy families and children who only had positive things to say. Parents were so happy to have a safe place for their kids to trick or treat and know that the candy was wrapped and safe as well.

There was a nonstop flow of children! They came by the van load and even by taxis!!!! It was astounding!

Thanks to all those who came with cars decorated - Helen, Steven, Celeste, Susan, Andrew and Alex!!! Thanks Andrew for coming with Margaret, the two "little ones" and "Father Enzo"! Thanks Andrew for adding a lot of "atmosphere" to the event with that costume and bringing extra candy. Maria, Giovanni and Marco also added to the "atmosphere" wearing some wonderful costumes as well as Jo Anne who took close to 300 amazing photos that truly celebrate the life force at Maple Grove! Steven wore our famous undertaker's hat with the black crow and red cape! Thanks Steven for coming in early and helping out so much. You were certainly my right hand assistant the whole day!

Archbishop Molloy was fantastic in sending five capable and wonderful seniors who stayed at their assigned station until the very end of the night!

Melrose had given us funding last year and we were able to extend that funding to this year and we almost ran out of candy, there were so many children!!! :) Thank you Joanne from Maple Grove for walking me to Duane Reade and helping me lug back four more shopping bags of candy!!!! Thanks to your sister from coming and decorating her car.

The Kwanis of Queens Blvd had a wonderful car and came with a car load of people. The Brothers from the Heritage Lodge came and had a wonderful time and brought extra candy as well. The Girl Scouts from Jackson Heights came and also brought in candy. Ludger Balan of the 26th USCT came as well and made the fatal mistake of telling kids to help themselves and they wiped him out in a feeding frenzy! LOL! Members from Alex's law firm came in two cars and were a great help! Christine Bauman and her sister came with their car and loved it. Their parents and grandparents are buried at Maple Grove and their mother so loved Halloween. They all had a great time.

Celeste made the best Halloween baked goods ever! They were delicious!

The comments by parents and by the children were heartwarming and wonderful! It was overwhelming and words fail to describe how incredible it truly was!!!!

Maple Grove provided a safe and protective environment for all of them and they certainly appreciated it.

Thank you.

Carl Ballenas President of the Friends of Maple Grove

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