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Living History Encampment & Free Colonial Concert!

Friends of Maple Grove hosted an Informational Revolutionary War re-enactment Encampment as well as a Revolutionary War Concert on Saturday, May 14, 2016.

Greetings! The weather was wonderful but at times a little breezy. Ludger Balan began to set up the encampment early that day. Arturo Enamorado. Philippe Woolley, Alex Samaroo, Jo Anne Raskin and Helen Day helped with the Set - Up. VICE TV came and recorded most of the event. A number of living historians arrived in full costume and the set up was in full swing. Arturo was also dressed in full costume. Cones were used to mark off the enclosed area. Jo-Anne and Helen arrived and dressed in costume. Jo-Anne took many photos. Cheril Alexander, her co director Dino, and some of her teen members came by and dressed up and volunteered throughout the day. Two students from Archbishop Molloy also arrived and proved to be very helpful. The crowds were constant throughout the day. The stations were well reviewed. This included the Spice Lady, the Kids Play Station, and a Cooking Tent. At noon a parade marched to the old Red Oak Tree with a firing of muskets salute. The leader of each regiment gave informative speeches about their groups. A canon was brought and fired twice, making a huge noise. The Colonial Concert was held in the Celebration Hall with a program of music from colonial times. There were 16 performers organized by Celeste who also performed and designed a complete program with a history of the selections and biographies of the performers. The audience was thoroughly delighted and Celeste provided two numbers for a sing along with the audience. Arturo also sang, dressed in his costume! Carl Ballenas President of the Friends of Maple Grove

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